Now upstairs. Kristl's mom and Grandma were up, and invited me to have some breakfast. I had half a papaya (whoa, my parents would be proud) some toast, ham, scrambled eggs, and one of those awesome non-meat sausages. And I also had a hefty share of tardiness as well. Left the house @ 7:25 in a mad rush, grabbing my jacket and camera stuff.
Plan: Head to Chinatown and walk around the city.
Plan derails.
I forgot my shoes.
Yes, you can read that again. Dammit!
Instead, I'm dropped off at the U of H parking lot next to the law school, borrowing Kristl's slippers, which, like Kristl, are tiny.
Greatest photo ever.
Kristl's mom comes to bring me my shoes and take me to Chinatown, after a look that said "What possessed you to forget your shoes?" and a trip to the doctor for her appointment.
We eat at this great vegetarian dim sum place. Good selection of the same kinds of dim sum at regular meat-happy Chinese places, only with no meat!
Then, I begin my walking from Chinatown. First order: Buy sunscreen. Second order: Find the zoo.
4 hours later...
I made it to the zoo. On foot. If you don't know how far it is from Chinatown to the zoo, let me tell you, it's pretty far. I don't know the exact estimation, but roughly from Google maps, I think it's like six miles. I have this backpack full of camera equipment, and I'm pretty beat at this point.
On the way there, took some great photos of Waikiki and the sky, and some huge monarch butterflies on tiny yellow flowers.
So I waited for what seemed like forever for the damn monarch to land on a flower. It finally did, woot! And... another one lands on top of it, and proceeds to... mate? Oh well. click click click
Mother nature loves to paint Hawaii's skies with absolutely breathtaking clouds.
Like I said before, I don't think I'll ever get tired of them.
Met up with Kristl, went back home, and took a nap. Woke up, went upstairs, chatted a bit with some of Kristl's relatives visiting from the other islands, and then headed to find Kristl's computer to look up stuff to do while in Hawaii. Also found Kristl sleeping. And a few funny photos.
Left to Shillawon, which is this yummy Korean shabu shabu place. Tons of the little appetizer plates, yummy meat, and fresh veggies make for a delicious meal.
We head off to the Cobalt Lounge at the Hanohano Room on top of the Sheraton hotel in downtown. Got some awesome shots of Waikiki at night. Doing it right this time by using a tripod. Chilled with some Gewurztraminer Hugel wine and the Miles Jackson Trio, a great Jazz band playing up there.
This is Waikiki at night.
See more photos here.
Jason and Sara are funny. They love to argue about... anything. Friendly arguments, the debate kind. Not the beating kind.
Went back to Kristl's grandma's and remembered that she wanted a photo for her Bar exam! Maybe Bar exam completion photo. Er, a photo regarding that Bar exam. Busted out the lighting stands, my 3 strobes, and the reflector. Shot like 200 photos, and I ended up liking about 3 of them.
I also learned how picky Kristl can be =)